The Importance of Maintaining Your Hotel’s Appearance

Think about the last time you booked to stay in a hotel. How did you choose where to stay?

Whilst a hotel?s location and amenities may play a big part in your decision, you will also want to be sure that you are booking with a reputable and trustworthy hotel.

When researching a hotel, you may view online reviews and photos to find out if it meets your requirements and expectations.

For most people, the most basic expectation of a hotel is that it is clean and well maintained.

Cleaning and maintaining your hotel should be your absolute number one priority. Not only is it hygienic, but it also reassures guests that you care and have high standards.

Here are six reasons why maintaining your hotel is essential to its success.

People expect to be looked after

Whether they?re staying for business or leisure, people expect to be looked after when they stay at a hotel. Certain standards are expected, particularly when it comes to appearance and cleanliness. If these standards are not met it can be bitterly disappointing for guests, impacting the overall enjoyment of their experience.

First impressions count

Your hotel?s appearance on arrival sets the scene for what to expect behind those doors. A hotel with an exterior that has fallen into disrepair or looks dirty is not welcoming and can set alarm bells ringing, making guests feel anxious before they?ve even set foot in the building.


A hotel that isn?t well maintained may find that it struggles to gain or keep trust amongst customers and the local community. If you haven?t bothered to clean your building?s exterior, how can people trust that the interior is any better?

Online reviews

The rise of online hotel review websites like TripAdvisor means that anyone can publish their experiences for the world to see online. Many people now consult these websites before booking accommodation online. One of the aspects of the hotel that customers are often asked to review and comment on is its cleanliness. Scathing online reviews can have a dramatic impact on bookings and can ruin a hotel?s reputation.

Repeat business

It?s a well-known fact that retaining customers is far more cost-effective than gaining new ones, and it only takes one bad experience to lose a customer. When running a hotel, it?s important to have consistent standards when it comes to cleanliness and customer service. Customers should be able to rely on you to deliver the same standard of service every time they visit. A consistently clean and maintained hotel encourages customer loyalty and word of mouth marketing.

All these points affect your bottom line

To summarise, dirty windows, stained brickwork, and faded signage could be costing your business more than you realise. When running a hotel, you are selling an experience and certain standards are expected. Ensuring that your hotel looks the part and is clean both inside and out is the bare minimum requirement. Failing to get this right will damage your business? profits and put it at risk of failing.

Enlisting the help of a professional window cleaning company like Archer Window Cleaning will ensure that the cleanliness or your building?s exterior is in safe hands. We use professional equipment and techniques to ensure that the job is completed efficiently and to a high standard every time.

As well as cleaning your hotel?s windows we also offer gutter cleaning, cladding cleaning and jet washing services.

For more information from Archer Window Cleaning or to request a free quote on a job, give our team a call on 0161 870 6503.